Weight-loss journey: chapter 1

I’m overweight. There. I said it. It’s out there now. I know it, my family knows it, my friends know it, my partner knows it (not that he’d ever say anything, bless him). Heck the courier who delivers my way too many online parcels probs knows it. One person who does not know it, is my son. Well, not yet anyway… And I want to try and keep it that way.
I read some shit somewhere saying that the first 5 years of a baby’s life are the most important for setting up their healthy relationship with food and fitness. Probs from some inspirational Instagram quote though so don’t sue me if it’s wrong, I don’t really care if it’s wrong or not. I just want Hudson to be healthy from an early age. I don’t want him eating chocolate and other bad shit on the daily and I want to be able to run around after him at the park without people looking at me wanting to call an ambulance because I look like I’m about to have a heart attack.

The funny thing is, is that I hardly ever feed Hudsons little body shit food, he gets the odd treat on special occasions and that’s about it so why am I feeding my body shit. So I’ve decided to change it. For real. The pantry has been cleared out. A gym has been joined, I had my first PT session (definitely confirmed the whole unfit thing) and a plan is in place. And I guess by telling all of you reading this, I’m making myself accountable. I refuse to fail. I refuse to fail for my family, for my son and for myself.

(This is the way I let instagram/social media see me, basically, good angles, stupid poses, filters. Mainly pictures of my face cos I ain’t about to get my body out there)

(These are the unfiltered photos that I try to hide because I tell myself I look fat and no one can see them, I can try to argue to myself that they’re bad angles or I’d just had a baby but the important thing is that I don’t feel good about myself and I don’t feel healthy)

I have a lot of weight to lose and I’ll make my weight-loss journey a regular monthly update on on the blog and you can also follow me on Instagram @hudson_and_her to keep updated ☺️ Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading ✌️ xx

3 thoughts on “Weight-loss journey: chapter 1”

  1. I am sooo proud of your Stace 🙂 Would have taken a lot of guts to write this post. I have faith that you can do and even though I am not in Aussie, I am here every step of the way. We can battle weight loss together! Love you XX


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